Dr. Kirti Shukla
Associate Professor

Dr Kirti Shukla is associated with IILM University, Greater Noida since November 2023 as an Associate Professor in School of Computer Science and Engineering .She has more than 18 years of teaching experience in the institution of repute. She Earned her Doctorate degree in Computer Science from Banasthali Vidyapith Rajasthan in 2019. Her area of interest includes Computer Network, Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence. She has published around 30 research papers in national & international conferences and journals including MDPI, ACM Digital Library, IEEE eXplore, 5 Patents and 2 Books. She has worked as Reviewer, Editor, Session Chair and Invited Speaker in many Journals and Conferences. She has Completed Innovation Ambassdor Training by MoE innovation Cell & AICTE . She was also Jury member of Toycathon by MoE innovation Cell & AICTE in 2021. She worked in many Committees like E-Cell, Board Of Studies, College Research Commiittee etc. She worked with accrediation team of NAAC, NBA, ARIIA ranking etc.