Entrepreneurship Cell

entrepreneurship-cellAs the heart of innovation and creativity, the IILM Entrepreneurship Cell is an organization which is mentored by experts at IILM University, that fosters an entrepreneurial mindset and supports budding entrepreneurs within the IILM community. Whether you are a budding entrepreneur or someone passionate about entrepreneurship, we provide a platform for learning, networking, and practical experience to fuel your entrepreneurial journey.

Incubation and Mentoring: We provide support to student-led startups by offering incubation services, connecting them with mentors and industry professionals, and providing guidance on business strategy, financial management, and operations.

Education and Training: We organize workshops, seminars, and speaker sessions by experienced entrepreneurs, industry experts, and mentors to provide insights into various aspects of entrepreneurship, including idea generation, business planning, market research, funding, marketing, and more.

Networking and Collaboration: We facilitate networking opportunities for students to connect with like-minded peers, alumni entrepreneurs, and industry professionals through events, competitions, and networking sessions.

Startup Support: We offer assistance in ideation, validation, and prototyping of business ideas, and help startups in their early stages of development, including market research, product development, and business model refinement.

Skill Development: We organize skill-building workshops and training sessions to equip students with essential entrepreneurial skills, such as leadership, communication, negotiation, problem-solving, and business strategy.

Community Building: We aim to create a supportive and inclusive community of aspiring entrepreneurs who share their experiences, learn from each other, and collaborate on projects and initiatives.

Running Startups

  • Twecom: Twecom is an e-commerce platform for consumers to purchase high-quality products from verifies sellers, including products that aren’t even available in brick-and-mortar retail stores.
  • Posh & Nat: It is a vegan company aspiring to produce sustainable leather products using coconut leather. They secure TOP 3 INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL ENTERPRISE WINNER 2022, INDONESIA
  • Brint Solution: Eco-friendly tableware using biodegradable materials

Name of Faculty Incharge: Dr. Sandeep Kumar
Email ID: ecell.gn@iilm.edu
Membership Form: https://forms.gle/cSP4PM26n1BuTYX6A

Events organized

Think Tank 1: Think Tank is A Premier Business Plan Competition to Find &Nurture your Business Idea & an opportunity to raise your first round of funding for up to Rs.50,000/. The competition has gone through three rounds and 6 teams out of 26 have been shortlisted for final round. In the final round, 6 Teams have presented their start-up ideas. The teams were:

  • Coding Spark: Online E-learning platform for computer science student
  • Skyrim: Product with Mushroom Leather
  • Conjoin: Bringing distant E-friends closer with closest to realism interaction and
  • Socializing Feature
  • Brint Solutions: Eco-friendly tableware using biodegradable materials
  • Game Truck: A place for gaming and refreshments
  • The Fashion & Smart: An online platform for tailored clothing with ease of customization

Expert Talk Series

“Social Responsibility in Business – An Entrepreneur’s Perspective”

Speaker – Mr. Jaydeep Mandal, founder- Aakar Innovation & Aakar Social Venture, Social Enterprise of the Year-2021, National Entrepreneurship Award Winner, 2018, Prime Minister’s ‘Champions of Change’ Team, 2017 Millennium Alliance Award, by UKAID, USAID, Govt. of India and World bank, 2015-2016

“Motivation for Entrepreneurship”

Speaker – Ms. Shilpi Sen, CEO and Co-Founder – Prayasta 3D Inventions Pvt. Ltd.

“Entrepreneurship for inclusive Growth”

Speaker – Mr. Nana Kishore Choudhary, Founder and managing director of Jaipur Rugs

MOU /Collaborations

MOU /Collaboration between SAGACIOUS RESEARCH PRIVATE LIMITED and IILM Entrepreneurship Cell

MOU /Collaboration between NIESBUD and IILM Entrepreneurship Cell: in process

Think Tank 2: Think Tank is A Premier Business Plan Competition to Find &Nurture your Business Idea & an opportunity to raise your first round of funding for up to Rs.50,000/. The competition has gone through three rounds and 4 teams out of 28 has been shortlisted for final round. In the final round, 4 Teams have presented their start-up ideas.

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