earth-riseEarth Rise club is an initiative to implement environment driven activities amongst students to encourage them through active participation in nature conservation tasks and become climate champions. Sine India is one of the worst affected countries with climate change and also being the third largest emitter of global gases, we work towards the national goal set by the Honourable PM to balance our economic growth with our sustainable development targets with students leading the movement. The club shall have reuse and cloth collection drives, tree plantations, and environment related competitions, cleanliness drives to keep the campus green and clean.

Some of the activities we undertake:

  • Debates, seminars and lectures on environmental issues and sustainable development goals
  • Campaigns against plastic use, fireworks, noise pollutions
  • Undertake activities of recycling , plastic, glass, clothes , electronic waste etc.
  • Field Visit to environmentally important sites, degraded landscapes, wildlife parks etc
  • Action based activities like tree plantation, cleanliness drives both within and outside the university campus.
  • Grow kitchen gardens, maintain vermin-composting pits, construct water harvesting structures in university, practice paper recycling etc.
  • Maintenance of public places like parks, gardens both within and out side the university campus.
  • Mobilize action against environmentally unsound practices like garbage disposal in unauthorized places, unsafe disposal of hospital wastes etc.
  • Beautify selected road side area with plants and flowers and put campaign boards to generate awareness.
  • Any other innovative program on environmental issues.

Faculty In Charge: Dr. Reema Bali

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