Dr. Sonali Yadav
professor of practice

Dr. Sonali Yadav is a professor of practice at IILM university. She is a seasoned practioner with 20 years of experience in capital markets and runs a successful venture named ‘profit point’ which engages in financial literacy programs, consulting, trainings and portfolio management. Her area of specialization is equity research, derivatives, portfolio management and algo-trading. She is a fin-influencer and a coach having her own You-Tube channel as a medium for creating a climate of financial awareness in her field.
She is associated with several business schools for value added interventions for young MBA aspirants. Over her extensive career so far, she has been instrumental in academic-industry interface as resource person for FDP/MDP programs. Her teaching pedagogy is IT enabled investment strategies.
She has trained several working executives in the field of investment and financial planning and has been a frequent speaker at industry conferences, seminars, workshops and chaired technical sessions at several conferences of repute. She is an avid researcher with 28 research papers published, and also a reviewer of international journals.

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