Beats-and-MovesThe dance and music club “Beats and Moves” is a non-technical club of IILM University hosted by Department of Biotechnology. The club aims to connect a greater number of students of the IILM community. The club gives students a way to express and discover their love for dance and music in a way which makes them expressive and extraordinary. Time to time this club organizes dance and music competitions among interdepartmental students.

Objective: This dance and music club is to boost up the morale of students and to highlight the talent of dance, music, and creativity. The club provides students a common platform to learn, make dance and music of different flavors, to cultivate, exhibit talent and instill passion among them. Recent events organized by Beats & Moves Club:

  • RHYTHM-Talent and Fashion Show
  • YUVARANG-Folk Dance Competition

Faculty In Charge: Ms. Priyanka Singh
President: Chhavi Pathania
Vice President: Astha Chaturvedi
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